Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Queensland Coat of Arms

A Little History
Pineapple farm
First settled by castaways in the 1820s, the Sunshine Coast of Queensland became a haven for run away convicts. Set aside as a nature reserve, the region became entangled in the Australian war between the Aboriginals and the white settlers interested in exploiting the natural resources that abounded in the region. Originally a heavily forested region, the area experienced a growth of industry in timber, cattle and gold mining. The railroad expansion began shortly there after.  Agricultural endeavors replaced mining and timber by the middle century. Sugar cane and Pineapple farms encouraged settlement and towns began to appear. By World War II the 178.5 square mile region became and area of relaxation and recreation. On the wave of the development boom through the nineteen sixty’s and seventy’s this trend has continued through current times.

Cooktown Orchid
Queenslands flower
Tourism, retail and construction are the mainstays of the economic health although the governing businesses and politicians are aware that they need to maintain diversity in the economic sector to ensure long-term financial stability. An emphasis on sustainable and innovative technologies is recognized.
Bottle Brush ~ A common Australian flower
Australia follows Britain’s Parliamentary Government procedures using a unicameral government managed by a Governor and a Premier. Queensland is a relatively conservative state when measured against the rest of the country. The Court systems consist of a Supreme Court and District Courts that oversee seventy-three local governments. 
Predominantly Christian, Buddhism is the next most practiced religion in the area, although only by 1% of the population according to the 1995 census. 

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